Tuesday, February 25, 2003

One of the news casts this morning reported that US Intelligence Agencies had suggested that Iraq might have remotely piloted vehicles. They suggested that they might be able to use these to target cities right here at home in the United States. The graphic that they showed with this on the TV was of an old (30 years old at least) drone the fuselage of which would fit in your living room.

Ok. Lets just think about this for a second. Lets just picture the level of technology Iraq would have to have to develop such technology.


Ok. Thats long enough. Now lets think about the size of the fuel tanks necessary to give an aircraft enough range to reach New York from Iraq and the size of aircraft required to carry a significant payload.


Ok. Now lets picture the comand and control center necessary to track and control such a craft and the sophistication and level of training required of the personnel who man the command and control center. Picture the satellite up-links and down-links and the video synchronization problems and the size of the space program required to put these satellites in orbit.


Ok. Thats long enough. Any military person who has had more than 6 months experience knows that this is impossible. The US can barely target Iraq from off the coast of Kuwait, let alone from mainland US, so how could Iraq target us from Bagdad.

This is obvious bull shit. Why would they say that. Oh yeah, it wasn't our military that said it. The release was attributed to US Intelligence, or was it the US Office of Disinformation. This whole thing is so Orwellian that I keep looking at my digital wrist watch to see if it is 1984.

This is obvious propaganda designed to boost W's approval ratings. And Americans are such sheep that it will probably work.

Think people. Think. God gave you brains, now use them.

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